

你想过边境去墨西哥度假吗? 在打包你的东西之前,先从下面这些提示开始.

The land border between the United 状态s and Mexico is the busiest international crossing in the world. 成千上万的人, entire families and 车辆s cross from one side to the other every day to go to work, 拜访家人,甚至去购物, 观光或度假.

If you're thinking about driving to Mexico and crossing the southern border by car while on vacation, 或者在寒假期间, 在这里 are answers to the most commonly asked questions — questions that you're probably asking yourself. 让我们开始吧!

在墨西哥和美国之间开车有什么限制.S. 由于COVID-19?

由于流感大流行,美国.S. started restricting entry along the land borders with Mexico and Canada beginning in March of 2020. 然而, since then, those restrictions have applied to international travelers coming into the U.S. 而不是永久的美国.S. 返回本国的居民或公民. 就墨西哥而言,它从未对入境施加任何限制. 此外, U.S. 政府宣布 that it would soon open the border to international travelers who show proof of vaccination against COVID-19.


Mexican citizens do not have to pay but must show their Mexican documentation, 比如护照, 身份证, 出生证明或入籍证明的核证副本, 领事身份证, 等. 美国公民.S. and other countries whose stay in Mexico will be longer than 7 days have to pay a non-resident fee (DNR), which grants the right to visit the country without permission to conduct paid activities. 2021年,固定费用为594墨西哥比索,相当于约30美元. It could be said that, in a way, paying the fee is the same as paying for a tourist visa. If you don't pay upon entering into Mexico and decide to stay longer than 7 days, 当你返回美国时,你将被收取费用.S. For more information about these requirements and others, check out the guide 英雄伙伴 由墨西哥政府出版(只有西班牙语版).


是的. 然而, 如果你想去更远的边境城市旅行, you'll need to carry out certain transactions beforehand that we'll discuss later. 此外,你必须支付一些费用并随身携带文件.


为了乘坐车辆进入这个国家, you have to have a valid 临时车辆进口 Permit (more about this later) and have the sticker for it on your windshield. You'll also need your driver's license (current and in good standing) on top of documentation showing your migratory status.


事务被称为 临时车辆进口 你可以通过 Banjercito墨西哥的一个政府实体. It allows you to go back and forth multiple times during a six month period and is strictly for non-citizens (tourists) and Mexicans who are U.S. 想要乘坐来自美国的车辆进入墨西哥的居民.S. 是美国永久居民的墨西哥人.S. 必须出示他们的美国绿卡.S. 护照或护照卡.


是的. Payments for the 临时车辆进口 Permit are made in dollars (or the equivalent in Mexican pesos), and are a little less ($45 + tax) if made online through Banjercito 10 to 60 days before bringing a 车辆 into Mexico. It costs a bit extra if you do the transaction at customs when entering the country or at the Mexican Consulate in the U.S. ($51 +税). 除了这笔付款, 然而, you have to pay a security deposit to ensure that the 车辆 returns within the authorized timeframe. 总额(以美元计) 这取决于车辆的年份:

  • 2007年及以后:400美元
  • 2001–2006: $300
  • 2000年及以上:200美元

趁许可证还有效的时候, you can recoup that money at the border offices of the Mexican entity Banjercito when you go to cancel the permit for good.

是我的U.S. 墨西哥的汽车pp王者电子官网很好?

International travelers must show that they are capable of taking on financial responsibility for any physical damages or bodily harm that occur while driving in Mexico. 即使你.S. insurance companies try to offer you protection for up to a certain distance from the border, 来自美国的pp王者电子官网.S. 或者根据墨西哥法律,加拿大不被视为有效. 换句话说, 如果你开车越过边境进入墨西哥, it will be mandatory for you to get liability insurance (also called "third party liability") from a company based in the Mexican Republic. 你可以很容易地在网上找到一个, 无论如何, 你会看到不同公司的办公室和墨西哥pp王者电子官网公司 经纪人 在各个国际口岸.


This is a tricky question because depending on who you ask, you might get different answers. 美国.S.美墨边境几乎有2000英里长. 有这么多连接的高速公路, 国际桥梁, 过境点和入境口岸, t在这里 are definitely some routes that are more dangerous than others w在这里 assaults, 据报道,真警察或假警察盗窃甚至敲诈勒索. 尽管如此, as "las fiestas decembrinas" ("the December festivities" — the winter holiday season) approaches, 成千上万的墨西哥人, 以及墨西哥裔美国人, 乘载满礼物的汽车去墨西哥探亲. 因为可能有危险, thousands of 车辆s and families organize themselves into motorized caravans that come together near the border to make the journey as a unit. 互相保护, these caravans also frequently receive protection from the police and military, granted by the Mexican authorities in support of the "héroes paisanos" (heroic countrymen). If you're thinking about visiting Mexico in December, consider looking into these motorized caravans. 通过在社交媒体网站或旅游博客上搜索,很容易找到他们.

现在你有了一些信息来帮助你准备你的墨西哥之行, 了解其他旅行安全提示,了解如何在旅行时保持警惕 使用休息区, 在拥挤的交通中开车, 入住酒店 或者如果你遇到 恶劣的天气 在路上.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







你的宠物在车里自由放养吗? 最好查一下当地法律,用板条箱或绳子把她拴起来.


帮助 protect yourself from these travel pitfalls so you can sleep soundly when lodging away.


It's helpful to know how to drive safely in ice, snow, rain, fog and other inclement weather.


Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous driving distractions, but 在这里 are some others.